About US
Who We Are
USC Racing is open to all majors and years. While most of the team is made up of engineers, you don’t have to be an engineer to be involved – we welcome any and everyone! By taking students out of the classroom and allowing them to apply textbook theories to real-world problems, USC's Formula SAE produces some of the most talented and highly desired graduates in the country.

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Lucas Dudley
Chief Engineer
JC Cuara Garcia
Manufacturing Lead
Ziyan Sultan
Aerodynamics Lead
Will Parma
Electronics Lead
Sparsh goyal
Drivetrain Lead
Tianpai le
Vehicle Simulations Lead
Grace Kanaley
Project Manager
Jash Panchal
Frame Lead
Naya Williams
Powerplant Lead
Lilian le
Composites Lead
samuel mccarthy
Vehicle Dynamics Lead
Swen Severson
Business Lead
Colin Cheock
Manufacturing Lead
Ergonomics/Brakes Lead
Foris Huang
Powerplant Lead
Monica Cendejas
Composites Lead
Katherine torres
Vehicle Dynamics Lead
Daulton hunter
Business Lead
Our Advisors

(From left to right: William Colvin, Dr. Yann Staelens)
Bill is a Senior Instructional Lab Tech at the Baum Family Makerspace with extensive experience in motorsports and manufacturing. He is a licensed driver for nearly all types of vehicles on earth, including motorcycles and planes. Bill offers ongoing technical support for various aspects of car design and production.
Dr. Yann Staelens
Dr. Staelens is an Associate Professor of Engineering Practice in the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering department. He advises the team on all technical matters and is a vault of engineering knowledge to draw upon. Dr. Staelens has been working on restoring a 1955 Ford Thunderbird in his free time!